Large Format Colour Printing - TR Trades

Large Format Colour Printing

Trust TR Trades to transition your most versatile large format colour projects from digital to print with our competitive print technology. Whether you are printing a one-off poster or 30 boards, TR Trades is capable of printing high capacity with short turn arounds.


“We are constantly amazed by your consistently friendly and efficient service under pressure. We also appreciate all of the times you’ve gone out of your way to provide extra services—for instance; providing kraft paper and plastic bags for rolled drawings, printing photographs for John’s birthday and especially, producing our Christmas cards. Ours this year was particularly labour intensive and yet it came back beautiful, and on time, at the busiest time of year. We don’t know how you do it! Thanks for your years of excellent service.”
Nigel Baldwin Architects

Request Samples

TR Trades offers hundreds of products for a variety of applications! Visit our finishing and product pages and request specific samples or let us know what industry you’re in and we will send you a customized sample package to suit your industries’ needs.

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