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Please include: your company name, your name, phone number (preferably office & mobile), due time, pick up or delivery, and job details. Thank you!

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Don't have a DirectFTP login, and need to upload files after hours? Use our Quick Form, and we will contact you during opening hours to discuss your project requirements.

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Please include: your company name, your name, phone number, due time, pickup or delivery, & job details. Thank you!

“I work with TR Trades for one reason –peace of mind. They know how to meet critical deadlines for major public events and they get the work done on time, correctly, and within budget. For these reasons I have confidently recommended TR Trades to a number of departments for a variety of projects at Simon Fraser University, as well as to other associates in Vancouver. TR Trades has completed a wide range of projects for SFU including large format aerial photos, mass produced brochures, campus development documents and unique creative arts projects. I believe the successful delivery of this range of project types lies in their team’s commitment to finding customized solutions. I actually look forward to the special projects that truly capitalize on the skills of their team and bring our creative efforts to life. Many of our projects have countless requirements and usually are required in a rush. TR Trades delivers with quality and speed.”

Elizabeth Starr (Simon Fraser University)

All Testimonials

TR Trades Reproduction Ltd.

1744 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Mon to Thurs 7:30am to 9:00pm
Friday 7:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm
After hours printing available!