
Custom Canvas Prints & Plaques

Capture your special moments forever or give your fine art a valuable edge with our canvas printing service. Whether you want your art on rolled canvas, stretched or on a plaque; TR Trades has it all.

Choose from a variety of sizes, media options and finishing. Fully customizable to your needs!

Don’t wait, submit your files here:

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Interested in having your work mounted or framed? Visit our Mounting page, or call for details, 604.736.4571

Standard Sizes

We can accomodate any size up to 44” x any length.


We have a variety of canvas & plaque applications available. Call us to discuss the best option for your needs.


Single or Double Sided


There are three things you can count on in life: death, taxes, and TR Trades (and I mean that in a good way!). Their print quality is great, their service is fast and friendly, and they even review the drawing sets and will call and check if they find any discrepancies. TR Trades is the only thing in my profession that doesn't cause me stress. Thank you!

If you’re unsure of the most suitable output for your project, give us a call, our staff are happy to recommend the ideal process based on your requirements.

TR Trades Reproduction Ltd.

1744 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Mon to Thurs 7:30am to 9:00pm
Friday 7:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm
After hours printing available!