
How does eProject work?

eProject is a collaboration room where users are invited by email to access an eProject web portal. The project is where all documents relating to the project are hosted and are accessed by project users. The portal is designed to facilitate interaction between users, streamlining tasks and workflow.

Does eProject support mobile devices like iPads?

eProject supports Apple, Android and Microsoft tablet devices. Users can download files to their mobile devices as PDFs for easy access in the field if no cellular or wifi coverage is available.

How secure is eProject?

TR Trades eProject uses the same browser security used by online banking sites.

What file formats does eProject support?

You can upload any file type to eProject, and the file viewer supports over 200 file formats including AutoCAD and MicroStation. Unlike other systems that are limited to PDF’s, eProject managed files have the ability to retain all of the embedded vector and layer intelligence inherent in the native file format.

How much does eProject cost?

Prices vary depending on how your company is using eProject. Please contact Carla Scott at TR Trades for a customized quote.

This may sound like a silly question, but…?

There are no silly questions! If you’re unsure about something, give us a call and let us help you out!


TR Trades Reproduction Ltd.

1744 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Mon to Thurs 7:30am to 9:00pm
Friday 7:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm
After hours printing available!